I am a member of a yahoo group solely for swapping things made with the embellisher. I don't join in the swaps too often, but this time I had to cause I love making those armbands. The one above (three different views of the same armband) is made by me and will go on it's way to Jenny today.
The black/pink/purple one below was made by Jenny for me. Absolutely love the colours she used and the woven design is lovely. The second photo below shows the inside which is made with a beautiful black and white fabric and the closure is velcro.

We could tell our swap partner which colour we would like and as Jenny chose earthen tones I had to step out of my comfort zone. Not my colour sheme at all, but I enjoyed doing this and while stitching I was thinking of moss and autumn and mushrooms and all I can see right now on my walks in the woods with my dog.
I love, love, love your armband, it is just beautiful : ) lucky girl receiving it. I play with my embellisher and truly enjoy it but have never produced such a lovely piece. thanks sooo much for sharing it : )
Blessings, Sandra in AZ
schöne Herbsfarben - ich liebe es !!!!
Hey, ho, ich habe im Stil ganz ähnliche Armbänder auch diese Woche in meinem Blog gezeigt! Was mal wieder deutlich macht, wer will schon was Neues erfinden ?;)) Gefällt mir gut hier, bin zum 1. mal zu Besuch, komme aber sicher nochmal vorbei! Verfilzte Grüße,
Goodness me! Those armbands/cuffs are amazing. I can just imagine they are such fun to put together and even more beautiful to wear!
Fun! I would have loved to be on the receiving end of your cuff.
I love the arm band that you made!
It's in all of my favorite colors:)
...and your detailed work is so exacting!
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